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Smart Homes, or smart homes, are designed to offer you comfort, security and convenience.

Although they also promote energy efficiency and are capable of providing your home with numerous home automation functionalities that will make your life as easy as possible.

These houses rely on home automation systems to automate a myriad of tasks, or so that you can manage them remotely with efficiency and ease.

Turning on the lights in your bedroom, or controlling the heating in your home, are some of the actions you can perform from your mobile if you live in a smart home.

In addition, the market for Smart Homes will continue to grow in the immediate future, which puts on the table the deep interest that Spaniards feel towards them.

In fact, it is estimated that this market will grow 300% by 2024 in this European country. In addition, 60% of new homes currently include automated systems.

If you want to know and take advantage of all the advantages and benefits that Smart Homes offer you, we invite you to continue reading until the end.


Just a few years ago it was practically unthinkable that some chores around the house could be accomplished with a voice command.

For some this was something utopian and futuristic, and for others it only had a place in fiction films.

But the truth is that you can already live in an automated house that saves you time, effort and work thanks to home automation.

It encompasses all the systems that can automate your home in terms of security, well-being, communication and energy.

Do you dream of reducing electricity consumption in your home? Or of controlling the lights, blinds, heating or ventilation of your home from the palm of your hand?

If these answers are affirmative, you could take great advantage of Smart Homes, since their characteristics and functionalities will simplify your life like never before.

Indeed, your multimedia, energy, accessibility, or entertainment solutions appear to be limitless.

You can literally control everything from your own smartphone, either with your voice, or through some specific applications.

According to the Spanish Association of Home Automation and Real Estate, home automation comprises various techniques that are applied to the control of homes and intelligent automation.

Therefore, Smart Homes offer you a new way to enjoy your home. That is, taking care of it, or performing routine tasks, will no longer cause you a big headache.


Smart homes have definite and important characteristics, such as those that we will share with you below:

  1. They seriously bet on sustainability

Nowadays, for many experts, Smart Homes pursue an ulterior purpose: that they adapt efficiently to “smart cities”.

In this sense, they must actively promote both sustainability and energy efficiency.

Since the efficient use of energy is essential in these homes, it is imperative to take the following measures:

Use thermostats that program and zone the boilers in the home.
Automate air conditioning systems through heat recovery units.
Rationalize electrical charges.
Use the electrical appliances with the highest consumption during the hours of reduced rate.
Invest in smart appliances.
Centralize energy to an optimal, efficient and easily accessible computer system.
Opt for mechanical ventilation systems. This will introduce and extract air from the house in a fair and controlled way.

2 . They raise the level of comfort in homes

This is because users can remotely control all equipment and systems in the home, such as:

  • Ventilation.
  • Music.
  • Refrigeration.
  • Heating.
  • Multimedia devices.
  • Intercoms, etc.

Raising the degree of comfort and convenience in your smart home involves the execution of actions of this type:

  • Automate the switching on and off of the light points.
  • Turn off the lights of the house during the days of rest or rest.
  • Regulate the amount of light in the home. For this you must make sure that the degree of luminosity of each space is appropriate.

Regarding this last point, it is worth mentioning that you can rely on automatic window systems to encourage the use of natural lighting.

If you decide to “domotize” your home, you will have the possibility to control everything remotely. And this will make you feel more calm, confident and happy.

In essence, you can automate everything from turning on the lights, to watering the lawn, with your own voice, which is novel and efficient in every way.

3. Safety is paramount

So much so that these systems have advanced technology cameras, or a link to the local police station (in some cases).

In addition, Smart Homes are usually protected with intrusion alarms, or state-of-the-art motion sensors, which detect the presence of intruders or strangers.

Additionally, you can omit traditional locks to increase the degree of security in your home.

If so, you must install access cards in your home that work with fingerprint identification.

Today, there are numerous private companies that market these products in Spain.

So you shouldn’t have a problem contacting a safe and responsible provider.

4. Its accessibility is greater

Undoubtedly, accessibility becomes easier in Smart Homes. Especially for the elderly or disabled.

To achieve this goal, smart homes use remote-controlled applications and installations that bring “design for all” to life.

This design focuses on offering products and services that are functional for all people, despite some of them having certain limitations or disabilities.

Currently, home automation systems that are committed to greater accessibility at home include:

  • Remote surveillance functions.
  • Monitoring and recording, in real time, the consumption of electricity, water, air, gas, etc.
  • Issuance of an emergency or alert message (when necessary).
  • Activation of alarms.
  • Automated sending of all this data to the caregivers or relatives of users with disabilities.


Smart Homes have very prominent benefits. So they are worth addressing in depth:

  1. They encourage sustainable construction, which is very respectful and friendly to the environment.
  2. They help you save money and energy. In fact, they are ideal for optimizing the use of energy resources at home.
  3. Smart homes are no longer seen as a “luxury”. On the contrary, as of last year all new works must respect what is stipulated in the Almost Zero Consumption Building.
  4. You will feel more comfortable in your smart home, as many household tasks will be made easier for you.
  5. Some systems in your home will be interconnected and you can access them from your smartphone.
  6. If you have some kind of physical limitation or disability, you could feel more comfortable, secure and included in a smart home. (Thanks to its accessibility is greater).
  7. The investment in home automation systems ranges between 2,000 – 3,000 euros for more basic systems. More advanced systems can exceed € 10,000. But the good news is that its amortization happens in the short term.
  8. Your home will be safer and more comfortable.
  9. The Smart Homes will also offer you comforts in terms of communication and entertainment.
  10. Its market value is greater than that of a conventional house. This is due to the great appeal that automated and intelligent systems offer to users.


According to Forbes, by 2024 home automation will be present in 80% of American homes, while in Europe the penetration will be approximately 35%.

In addition, this market will continue to boom for the next three years in Spain. This shows that intelligent and automated systems are here to stay.

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